Culture of Peace is a set of values, behaviors, and worldview based on love, freedom, and human rights.

These are the fundamental principles that guide all the activities of the NGO Paz Sem Fronteiras (Peace Without Borders) in building a Culture of Peace. We consider peace a universal value, fundamental to all human beings. Paz Sem Fronteiras (Peace Without Borders) na construção de uma Cultura de Paz. Consideramos a paz como um valor universal, fundamental para todos os seres humanos. 

The movement Peace Without Borders is inclusive and encompasses all ethnicities, genders, religious beliefs and political convictions. Our form of action is through fraternity, art, beauty, and solidarity.

According to the Preamble of the UNESCO Constitution “since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed”, we acknowledge that peace begins within us.

In line with these principles, Peace Without Borders:

  • Aims for a state of just, ethical, creative, and libertarian collective coexistence;
  • Values diversity;
  • Acts collectively and cooperatively;
  • Encourages the dialogue between cultural and spiritual traditions and different fields of knowledge;
  • Apoia ações de economia solidária, mediação, justiça restaurativa, educação inclusiva e todos os movimentos que estejam embasados nos princípios da Cultura da Paz;
  • Protege a fauna e flora do planeta.