Members between 18 and 30 years of age plan and execute activities and projects that boost the strength of youth and develop their leadership skills to build a future toward peace.

JÁ (Juventude Arte or Art Youth) is a group formed by young people who are between 18 and 30 years old that aims to explore the potential of youth. We understand that the vitality of this life stage contributes to building new knowledge, making new paradigms available to society.

JÁ – Art Youth is one of the means by which the NGO Paz Sem Fronteiras (Peace Without Borders) takes action. Established in 2007, the group provides youth with a safe place to exchange experiences, future dreams, and self-knowledge.

These conversations contribute to building young people’s identity by promoting a sociability network. We encourage the development of capacities through creative and fun activities in order to stimulate reflections on the culture of peace, human rights, and environmental awareness. We organize, for example, a series of artistic and social interventions such as ecological walks, horseback riding for peace, choir presentations, planting, meditation groups, selective collection, video exhibitions, and participation in youth forums and congresses.


  • Ecological actions
  • Horseback riding for Peace
  • Social and artistic interventions
  • Movie club
  • Cultural exchange